Thursday, November 15, 2012

Preparing Students for Life: A Strategic Plan

On October 26, 2012, “Preparing Students for Life: A Strategic Plan for the Lafayette Catholic Schools” was approved by the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Catholic School System.  A few days later, we presented our new three-year strategic plan to the parents, teachers, principals, directors, trustees, and other supporters, who comprised the seven committees that created the plan.  More than seventy volunteers began working on our plan in January.  After many months, we are now able to present this comprehensive plan that, when implemented, will allow us to continue to fulfill our mission.  I am excited to be able to share this plan with all of our parents, alumni and stakeholders at this time.  We have attached a copy for your review.  I appreciate all your comments and questions as we move forward.

As I mentioned last month, our strategic plan focuses on these critical areas: academics, admissions, development, finance, marketing, mission, teachers, and technology.  In some of these areas, where the primary role is advice, planning and oversight, there will be a Committee established by our Board of Directors.  In other areas, there will be Task Forces formed to focus on achieving specific goals.  There will be a need for volunteers to serve on our task forces so please consider how you might contribute your time and talents to help us achieve our goals!

“Catholic schools have a straightforward goal: to foster the growth of good Catholic human beings who love God and neighbor and thus fulfill their destiny of becoming saints.”
-- Archbishop J. Michael Miller, C.S.B., Author of "The Holy See’s Teaching On Catholic Schools"

Preparing students for life is the theme of our new strategic plan, and is a phrase that attempts to describe the outcome of our mission and goals.  What are we doing in the Lafayette Catholic Schools that makes us exceptional and different?  We have interviewed and surveyed dozens of parents over the course of the last several months, and the responses of our parents have helped us answer this question. Parents believe that we are preparing our children to live a purposeful, Christian life.  In the words of Archbishop Miller, to “fulfill their destiny of becoming saints.”  Further, we believe that to successfully prepare students to fully realize this destiny, we must focus on five key elements:
          • the education of the WHOLE person
          • shared VALUES at home and school
          • FAITH formation
          • living our faith through lifelong SERVICE to others
          • expecting MORE - “to whom much is given... much is required.”

Each of these elements can be supported by many statements and examples we have heard from our parents, and that are reflected in our strategic plan.  We encourage you to share your experiences with us (if you haven’t already) and also to share with your friends and fellow parishioners what the Lafayette Catholic Schools have meant to your family.  If you know someone who is interested in a Catholic education for their child(ren), we’ll be hosting our annual Open Houses at St. Mary’s and St. Lawrence on January 27th.  Of course, they can also contact Angie Schrader, Director of Admissions at 474-7500.

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